Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Challenge #12 Layout

Challenge #12 was an intersection, so we both had to do this challenge together.

We needed to explain why we were storytellers, include the 'we are storytellers' word-art, fill at least half of the layout with journaling, use at least 5 elements, use no more than 2 papers and include 2 small photos of ourselves.

Here is the result:-

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bree's Challenge #11

Here's my layout for Challenge #11

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm getting slack!!!

Challenge #11 Maz
THE QUESTION IS:You know the drill! You can ask any one person (dead or alive; family, friend, famous or foe) one question. Who would it be and what would you ask them?Hmmm… interesting. But let’s up the ante a bit, shall we? (if you are familiar with my “Bring It” Challenge, you know I’m not gonna let you get off that easy!!)Here are some layout requirements:1. Your layout can have only ONE photo. The photo must either be of the person to whom you are posing the question OR must represent the question you are asking. 2. You MUST include your question in your layout and your question can be the ONLY words/journaling on your layout. This means you have to tell us what your question is, but that’s it. You can’t explain the question or answer the question. I'm a big fan of “less is more”, so express yourself through just your question and your photo. It’s that easy, right?

I totally forgot to put my challenge #9 lo here at ozziegirlz....I'm so slack!!!
Anyway, here it is finally.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

ADSR Challenge #9 & #10

It's late and I haven't got much time, so here's my layouts for Challenges #9 & #10:-
Challenge #9 - Generations
You had to include at photo/s with at least 2 generations, lace, old metal, at least 1 flower and at least 1 vintage/reto element:-
1 Perfect Love
Challenge #10 - Roadblock - Interview your partner
You had to conduct an interview with your ADSR Partner with at least 5 questions, using supplies from 2 designers (no more/no less) and using 2 main colours.
5 Minutes with Mum